Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Forward

Hi guys, I have been posting my own writings so far here, but for the first time am gonna post a forward mail which I felt was nice. Hope u people too like it... :) 

It was the day of my son's XII results and I was so tensed.
I sat beside him while he logged on the website with his registration no.
"Ma", he screamed in excitement,
"I scored 1191, with centum in 4 subjects."
I can't believe it. "I kind of became numb in my excitement...
My eyes became wet. I kissed him on his forehead and smiled."

Soon we realized that he stood first in the state.
Oh, my joy knew no bounds when Reporters and media persons soon swamped my house for interviews and photos. I was so honored to join him in the snaps.

I wanted to call my "wrong-number-friend" to tell him the news......
I was so excited. He was someone whom I have known for more than 20 years.
I still do not remember when we became friends, but certainly cannot forget the first day he called me When I blasted him for giving me so many wrong calls.....
After that he had called up a week later asking apology, for he had now got the right no of his friend whom he wanted to talk to .We spoke for an hour that day...even without knowing each other's names.
Though he kept pestering me to reveal my name I never did and so he kept a name...Sweety. I used to get so shy whenever he called me 'Sweety'. I was doing first year of BSc. Maths then, and he was a Computer Engineering student.

From then he used to call me very often. We almost discussed everything .

By the final year of my college, we probably we were in love, but I had been cautious. I was in a dilemma whether to tell him. But what if he was of a different religion? Do I have the courage to talk to my parents about it? ........all these questions ran through my mind.

I decided I'll not talk to him thereafter. When he called next time I lied to him I that I was going to Delhi for my post graduation. He gave me his office number and asked me to ring him up once I reach there.
I never called .......

A couple of months later my marriage got fixed with a guy of my parent's choice. I was not happy but I did not complain; rather accepted it as an obedient daughter. At times I felt I missed my wrong- number- friend.......

My hubby was a moody person; I have hardly spent any good time with him- but he was genuine indeed and never bothered my personal space. After 2 years we had a boy...Yet, I was not very happy with my married life...One day I happened to browse through my diary and found I still had my old friend's office phone no that he had given me. I dialed it and spoke with him.
He said he was married and got a kid too. I was happy for him though in the bottom of the heart I felt bad that I could not marry him.

From then I used to occasionally call him on that number. I never gave him mine as I felt that would put me in trouble... And till today I almost shared everything with him including my relationship with my I was so happy and I wanted to call him.

Just then I got a call. "Your husband met with an accident and died on the spot"

I banged the phone down. I broke. I did not call my friend.....I somehow started feeling guilty. I have never tried to talk to him properly when he was alive or moved close with him.... I felt I had been a badWr wife........

A couple of years passed and one day my son brought home a Bengali girl and said they wanted to get married.
I got them married as I did not want my son to go through what I did.

I decided to give my son his father's room and started clearing it. There was a phone book. I gently opened it to find,

"Wrong no Sweety - 26579785" !!!!!

Mind voice take on it:

Even after marriage they both where still in love with their own imaginative person as wrong number. That they could not realize that the person with whom they were, was the real one nu..... Enna Koduma Saravanan Ithu :p

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways.

       When it comes to achieving success the common formula given by most of the people is to have originality, to do something that no one has ever done. Is it true? That to have originality means to be in north when everybody are at south or is it like to stay in the south and wear a formal suit when everybody in south are wearing a casual? Well as far as I know many success stories have been the case of the latter one.
In the 19th century during the advent of the computer era most of the engineers had an access to the then old modeled computers, but it was only the vision of one Bill Gates that changed the entire scenario. He did not come out with an entirely new scheme out of nowhere. All he did was make a slight change to the way people looked at computers. He changed the notion that computers where for office and business uses to every desk should have a computer. This small change in the attitude made him the richest person of the world. Even now Steve jobs the cofounder of apple made a slight change to the way people interact with their mobile phones by introducing a touch screen and that too became a huge success. Whatever may be the field all it took for the achievers to attain success is to remodel the old ideas.

Cricket has long been described as "A game played by eleven fools and watched by eleven thousand fools". The reason for such criticism was the length of the game, if it was a test match, five days and a whole day if it was an ODI. In 2000 the ICC came up with the idea of a 20/20 version of the game and it was absorbed and made into a popular brand product called the IPL by the BCCI. The cricket from its slowly dying phase got revived into a new form and new success was found. All it took was to remodel the old conventional cricket.
With the above examples one can easily conclude that the winning combination in the poker of life is not to have a pack of new set of cards but to have a full house by playing efficiently with the old cards.

"Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the time"

The ultimate search of every soul on this earth is the truth. Truth about the society, truth about oneself or truth about anything, the search for truth starts with an outrageous attack on the socially accepted entities. The one who differs from the conformed ways of the society and thinks in an eccentric way is the one who finds the truth. The world itself stands as an example for this. 

The ancient Greeks and Romans, considered to be the far most advanced civilization of their period imagined that the earth was a flat disc. They believed that when a person goes beyond a certain point, he might actually trip and fall into an abyss. The questioning of Galileo and Copernicus of this scenario when everybody conferred that earth was flat disc made the startling revelation that, the earth was an ellipse and not a flat disc as everyone had thought. This came as a shock to a lot of learned people of that time and was not accepted but with the advancements of science and technology now everybody knows what the truth is?

It is not only in the materialistic world search for truth is like this. Even a similar kind of a situation can be found in the spiritual world. During the renaissance period the Catholic Church was the commonly accepted church. The bibles where in Latin and the common man had to believe whatever the clergy said. One man questioned the existing norms, he was considered sacrilegious at his time. He had to undergo a lot of trouble to bring the bible in English and close to the common man, it was the Lutheran mission that brought about a great change and unraveled the truth. 
Be it in the case of Galileo and Copernicus or Martin Luther King the search for truth was not a bed of roses, but a bed of thorns. They had to swim against the tides of a huge amount of peoples beliefs. They never got deterred in their cause and ultimately found the truth. Either in the spiritual world or the materialistic world when it comes to truth it has always been brought out only by questioning the existing beliefs and always will be!