Friday, October 14, 2011

The Country

        “Cutest bye, The Trip and The Scientist: an experience hmmm…. all have a tinge of spiritual touch and sentiment next article should be more political” this was my MindVoice yesterday. What shall I write about!! There are lots happening, Attack on Prasanth Bhushan and Anna Hazare supporters, koodankulam Nuclear Plant issue, Incrimination of former Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko and many more. Or I can write about the heated debate that I had with my friends as to what a country is! Hmmm so many thoughts!
Tymoshenko at Trial
         OK let me put forth Mind Voice’s take about Country in this article. What is a country? What is a government? Who are the citizens of a country? Is the landmass the country? Are governments and people present to protect the country? Let’s go back in time before democratic and republic governments were established there was monarchy, before that feudal systems and before that normal groups. The order of these forms may vary from place to place on earth but these were the basic system of forming a society. But during all the types of system one thing was common that is the land....
Multifaceted India
        When civilization started to flourish around the river INDUS (A huge sheet of water) around 3500 BCE there was no India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka. Only different dynasties rose and fell under the leadership of different monarchs from time to time and so did the countries of then. Though the rulers and name of countries kept changing, the thing that was unchanged was people and the land. As time moved on, various political changes have happened and under the democratic form of government, territories of countries are marked.
        In the Cartoon series of Naruto I remember one of the characters saying,” It is the people who make the country and not the land that makes it” When a group of people have the same feeling and unity they corroborate to form a country. The only time the entire country INDIA feels as one is during a cricket match. A citizen in Kanyakumari is not bothered about earthquake in Sikhim. So is a citizen in Sikhim about koodankulam Nuclear Plant issue. To disapprove the freedom of speech constituted by the constitution of INDIA people are attacking Prasanth Bhushan and Anna Hazare supporters. The INDIA that was sewed together by Vallabhbhai Patel is now being tormented to pieces by the whims of its own citizens.
 koodankulam Protest
Prasanth Bhushan Assaulted
        More than the Lokpal Bill, Electoral reforms and Administrative reforms, what INDIA needs is for its citizens to understand what INDIA is and what unity in diversity really means. Every time there is a change of government the successor throws a slugfest on his predecessor like in the case of the former Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko. Immaterial of what the news channels propagate people must try to understand facts and be united. 

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