Friday, March 16, 2012

The Blind Guide

            How long? How many times can I fail, on the same task! Failure is the stepping stone to success but how many steps more should I climb! with thoughts like this I was returning home. Frustrated by certain change of events, I was kicking the occasional stones on the road. I looked up the sky and saw the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction. Hmm, I remember reading somewhere that during the doomsday there will be celestial wonders. Is the world gonna end, as we know it! Maybe maybe not.
Venus-Jupiter Conjunction
             If its gonna end! What is the purpose of me wondering of how many steps? Is this whole concept of "life" a big joke! By this time I had come to the main road and I had to cross it. Since it was the evening peek hour, the traffic was at its max and everybody were rushing on their vehicles to their loved ones. At that time I saw a Blind man walking at the other end of the road. I know that there is a blind people's association near where I was standing. "So this guy is going to cross the road! having both the eyes am stranded this side. Well, someone on the other side will help him cross" that was my mind voice. To my surprise the man did not wait for help, He raised one of his hands and using his walking stick he started to cross. The entire traffic came to a standstill and he crossed safely. 
            What gave him the courage to do it? What if some motorist had not stopped! Why did he not wait for someone to help him? Well "The Blind Guide" had given me a great inspiration.

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