Sunday, September 26, 2010

Train No 6221

    Hi guys today am gonna write about my travel experience to Bangalore. After I finished my work at Bangalore, I had to return to Chennai by a night train. My boarding point was Bangalore cantonment. I reached the station by 11pm, the train was scheduled to arrive at 11.58pm. It was a spooky experience, though there were some five to six people in the station it looked deserted mostly.
    I took the ticket and had a look at the coach number it was S12. I thought "Oh God it will be the last compartment" and started to walk slowly to the outer of the platform. The mystic cool breeze was blowing by the side of my ear. The loneliness and the spooky setting ran chills across my spine. I found a bench at one end, I went and sat there. All of a sudden I could hear a howling noise "Ooohhh" my MV was all nerves. MV said "kaelambitayan kaelambitan" :( 
     There were two dogs barking at thin air. I turned my head to the right nothing was there, then slowly to my left nothing there either "enna da nadakuthu :( ". Then suddenly there was a lightning strike and all the lights in the station went out. Sorry! no lightning struck, just got carried away by the moment :). The railway announcement was made that Chennai express will arrive at platform 2 shortly. The train came and to my shock after S9 coach S10 coach came but there was no S11 or S12, Oh my God. Then a man from the S10 coach said S11 to S14 are in front near the engine. Its only then I had a reminiscence, Train No 6221 its the train in which me and my classmates returned from our last tour from Coorg. The walk from one end of the station to the other was nostalgic all the memories of the tour and my friends kept coming back. Awesome :)     

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Dark Knight

    Hi Guys today I saw the movie "The Dark Knight" for the seventh time probably. Its one movie which never bores me. There are a lot of interesting things in the plot of the movie. MV's take on the storyline.

    To my friends who have not seen this classic let me give you the plot briefly, in this movie the central character is the villain 'Joker'. Joker tries to prove that all men are bad basically. Opposing his point are Batman (Bruce Wayne), James Gordon (commissioner) and Harvey Dent (attorney). In the climax Harvey looses his love interest in the battle, this changes his character giving a win to joker, but as a twist Batman claims all the wrong doings done by Harvey to be done by him and is chased by the cops.
    Its at this point that the following dialogues come:
James Gordon Jr.: Why's he running, Dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A Dark Knight.
    Hmmm nice :) probably we too have to be a Dark Knight in certain situations of our lives ;) 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Resident Evil: Afterlife ( An Experience )

Hi guys blogging about abstract things had made MV very tiring ;-) so for a change am gonna write about the experience I had today at Express Avenue.

    I was on my way to the mall, thinking about the movie I was gonna watch. I was excited as it was the first time I was going to express avenue. On the way, as usual I was caught by the cop for not wearing a helmet. It was very nice the police told me that the fine amount is 500 if i paid in court or it was 100 if i paid to him but he did not know one thing, I had only 20 rupees in my purse :-) after a lot of bargain the cop found that it was no use talking with me. So, he finally asked me to leave :-) What a great use for Patience :-)
    The small conversation with the cop at Theynampet signal made me late for the 1.10 show. I reached Express Avenue at 12.55. I was stunned by its look it is the best in Chennai to my knowledge :-) awesome. Though I reached on time I wasnt able to enter the theatre as I had to wait for my friend, who was to watch the movie with me. I went around the mall it was like being in some other country for a few minutes. It was 1.15, I tried calling my friend but no reply. "Will my first time be a flop show!" I was wondering. To bring my hopes back my friend called he reached the mall at 1.30 the movie had started, first 20 min gone :-(
    The twist was not over yet, when we reached our seats they were occupied already by another man. What the hay man! then after the intervention of the theater staff the issue was resolved and we started watching the movie. What can I say about that?, it was a 3D show of Resident Evil afterlife. Simply superb the movie watching experience was itself great :-) a very good movie and a great experience.   

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Trust or Belief

Hi guys the next article is about Trust or Belief. What is trust? how can it be described? well as usual MV replies ;-)

    Well guys according to Wikipedia Trust is reliance on another person or entity and belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. These are all dictionary meanings MV says trust or belief is the hope that our expectation will be fulfilled and not worrying about what could not be seen. This calls for an example let us consider a child in the hands of his mother.
    When a child is thrown in air by his mother he laughs gleefully at her he expects his mother to catch hold of him. He is not worried about the hypothetical state, what happens if she misses him? This is trust or belief. Who do we trust? what if the person we trust is not trustworthy? what the hay man, life itself is only trust. We trust that, we will wake up alive the next day when we go to sleep. Likewise, trust others also if they let us down its just an experience, we will be careful the next time :-) cheers mate.   

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Larger Design

   Hello guys its time for the next topic "The Larger Design". Have you ever wondered why certain things happen in your life? why you meet some people? why some leave your life? I thought about it a lot and MV gave a reply :-)

    I believe at some point in every one's life there comes a situation, where we feel everything is not just, things could have been better. But why do such things, which are not under our control happen in our life? well here is one incident which happened sometime before. Once I was waiting at the reception of an office. As I had nothing to do, I was starring at the huge tiles laid on the floor. I saw every 4 consecutive tiles everything was of different design and laid in a haphazard manner. I could not understand, why had they laid such an appalling pattern at their waiting room !? suddenly I was asked to meet the HR at the second floor. After I met the HR I stood at the corridor and could see the larger design of those huge tiles it was not a four tile pattern, it was a bigger design it was a 56 tile pattern of a star. 
    What may look as a strange phase of our life might turn out to be the best design of it :-)


Monday, September 13, 2010

Theology Vs Science

    Its been sometime since I published my last topic, its obvious because the next topic I intend to write is complicated and I do not have a clear view about the topic. What is theology? What is science? How are they related? MV is confused :-)

     Let me start with a small story, once there was a catholic priest who was curious about how a child thinks, so once after the sermon he asked one of the alter boys who brought the MONSTRANCE," what are the spikes radiating from the monstrance for? " the alter boy was a ten year old kid, he was puzzled by the question his cute face went dull. The priest felt that it was a chance for him to teach the kid the concept of the Holy Eucharist. The kid suddenly started smiling and told he knew the answer. Now the priest was baffled how can a ten year old answer about the Holy Eucharist.
     The kid replied,"father the spikes are present to protect the Eucharist, if the spikes are not there it will be easy for thieves to steal it". He pointed at the curly spikes and told," see these spikes are the evidence for that. The straight spikes got curled when the thieves tried to steal the Eucharist the previous time". The priest was speechless, he tried to teach the kid, the glory of the Eucharist but he understood the curious nature of human brain to find answers with the available physical evidence.
    This story gives a good demarcation between science and theology. Science tries to explain everything with the substantial physical evidences available it does not accept anything which cannot be proved. According to science the fastest thing on earth is light, nothing can travel with a velocity greater than the speed of light. Is it true??? lets see, the time taken for the sun rays to reach the earth is 8 min and 19 seconds so to see a satellite orbiting the sun it will take a minimum of 8 min and 19 seconds, that is if you travel with the speed of light. Now for a scientist who made the satellite, the moment he closes his eyes he can visualize the satellite orbiting the sun this is Theology. The speed of human thought is much greater than the speed of light.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friend & Wife, Lover & Soulmate

     Hey guys, my next post is about relationships. You may think that most of the words metioned above to be complicated, I too did. I saw a post of my friend on the net about love and my MV started to speak    ;-).

    Yesterday I went to T nagar, there I saw a couple a husband and wife pair. The husband was blind and the wife was dumb the wife was leading the blind husband through the streets and the husband was crying out loud for alms. The first thing MV told was, what a synergetic couple! it was a good partnership. I did not see love there, but after sometime the two with only five rupees they got bought a tea and gave half a cup to their kid and shared the other half. At the background was a juice shop, where there was another couple of young college lovers drinking some juice from a single cup in two straws, looking into eachothers eyes romanticaly. At this moment I found a lot of meaning in the word love. The love of the blind and dumb couple.
    Life will be great when a person's lover is his soulmate and the lover after marriage remains his friend, because in most cases after marriage people become cat and mouse :-). The onething everyone expects in any relationship is understanding, trust, care and love. When a person gets that he will show the same to others and the world will become a better place to live in .

Friday, September 3, 2010

Family Bonding

    I have always wondered ! Why does a child have parents? why cant human beings be born just like adults? why the childhood? why the parental care? why these sentiments? my mind voice answered :-)
    When I was pounded by these questions my mind voice replied with a startling vision, I could see a bud blosseming into a flower. From now on am gonna just put MV for mind voice. MV told that a human child is the most defenseless creature on earth, if left alone it cannot take care of its own. The bud of a flower is protected by its sepals in its early stages, the petals are smaller than the sepals as the petals get stronger and bigger the sepals give way to the showy petals and take a backseat but never do the sepals get separated from he petals if they do the flower itself will collapse the flower without seplas cannot be used in a garland or even a boquet.
    Likewise for a humanbeing the parents are the sepals. during childhood a child (petal) is pure and fresh at heart it is the duty of the stronger (sepals) parents to protect and nurtue the mind of a kid. Can a child ever grow and desert his parents??? no never !! its like the petal trying to jump of the sepals, the flower itself will get wasted. Then is it the destiny of every flower only to develop into a fruit by clinging on to the sepals!! no a flower with its sepals intact can be used to make a garland, used at weddings and at many more places.
    A humanbeing who has his parental bonding intact can go places and still have his family bond which like the sepals have taken a backseat but are still present.     

Who Am I? What Am I Here For?

    Well am a person who always wondered what to do with time? Like most people who use internet I have resorted to blogging :-) What should I write in this blog? should I write my personal experience!!! or just maintain a news blog!!! or a blog about my passions????
    Well what is the use in putting so much thought, lets get into action. Am gonna post my mind voice, which I hear within me allways, which is weird at times. Have good time visiting my blog :-)