Monday, September 13, 2010

Theology Vs Science

    Its been sometime since I published my last topic, its obvious because the next topic I intend to write is complicated and I do not have a clear view about the topic. What is theology? What is science? How are they related? MV is confused :-)

     Let me start with a small story, once there was a catholic priest who was curious about how a child thinks, so once after the sermon he asked one of the alter boys who brought the MONSTRANCE," what are the spikes radiating from the monstrance for? " the alter boy was a ten year old kid, he was puzzled by the question his cute face went dull. The priest felt that it was a chance for him to teach the kid the concept of the Holy Eucharist. The kid suddenly started smiling and told he knew the answer. Now the priest was baffled how can a ten year old answer about the Holy Eucharist.
     The kid replied,"father the spikes are present to protect the Eucharist, if the spikes are not there it will be easy for thieves to steal it". He pointed at the curly spikes and told," see these spikes are the evidence for that. The straight spikes got curled when the thieves tried to steal the Eucharist the previous time". The priest was speechless, he tried to teach the kid, the glory of the Eucharist but he understood the curious nature of human brain to find answers with the available physical evidence.
    This story gives a good demarcation between science and theology. Science tries to explain everything with the substantial physical evidences available it does not accept anything which cannot be proved. According to science the fastest thing on earth is light, nothing can travel with a velocity greater than the speed of light. Is it true??? lets see, the time taken for the sun rays to reach the earth is 8 min and 19 seconds so to see a satellite orbiting the sun it will take a minimum of 8 min and 19 seconds, that is if you travel with the speed of light. Now for a scientist who made the satellite, the moment he closes his eyes he can visualize the satellite orbiting the sun this is Theology. The speed of human thought is much greater than the speed of light.

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