Friday, September 3, 2010

Family Bonding

    I have always wondered ! Why does a child have parents? why cant human beings be born just like adults? why the childhood? why the parental care? why these sentiments? my mind voice answered :-)
    When I was pounded by these questions my mind voice replied with a startling vision, I could see a bud blosseming into a flower. From now on am gonna just put MV for mind voice. MV told that a human child is the most defenseless creature on earth, if left alone it cannot take care of its own. The bud of a flower is protected by its sepals in its early stages, the petals are smaller than the sepals as the petals get stronger and bigger the sepals give way to the showy petals and take a backseat but never do the sepals get separated from he petals if they do the flower itself will collapse the flower without seplas cannot be used in a garland or even a boquet.
    Likewise for a humanbeing the parents are the sepals. during childhood a child (petal) is pure and fresh at heart it is the duty of the stronger (sepals) parents to protect and nurtue the mind of a kid. Can a child ever grow and desert his parents??? no never !! its like the petal trying to jump of the sepals, the flower itself will get wasted. Then is it the destiny of every flower only to develop into a fruit by clinging on to the sepals!! no a flower with its sepals intact can be used to make a garland, used at weddings and at many more places.
    A humanbeing who has his parental bonding intact can go places and still have his family bond which like the sepals have taken a backseat but are still present.     

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